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                         9.   REGISTRATION

        This  DOORWAY  program  is strictly  a  non-registered  demo
        version.  The exact terms of  this agreement are given fully
        in  APPENDIX  2,  but  the following  is  a  "plain english"
        condensation.  This   non-registered  version may be  freely
        distributed and uploaded  to BBS's.   It can  be tested  and
        used for one month.  After that date, the program may not be
        used, unless it is registered.   You may register it several
        ways.  First, you may fill  out the order blank on the  next
        page or in the file  REGISTER.FRM and send it with $30  ($50
        if printed manual is desired) to:

                            Marshall Dudley
                            406 Monitor Lane
                            Knoxville, Tn. 37922

        Second, you may call Data World BBS, and go into the DOORWAY
        registration  door  (DOOR  18),  which  will  allow  you  to
        register  your software on-line in only a couple of minutes.
        After  verification,  you  will  receive  your  registration
        number while you wait.   Be sure and have either your  VISA,
        MASTERCARD, DISCOVER, or AMEX card handy before entering the

        Lastly, you can call (voice) the DOORWAY ORDER LINE.  In the
        US you  can  call  1-800-OPN-DRWY  (1-800-676-3799).    This
        number is strictly an  order line.  Tech support  cannot and
        will not  be offered on this line. If  you are local, or out
        of  the country, you  can call  615-966-DOOR (615-966-3667).
        Once again, have your credit card handy.

        When you register,  you will  receive a Registration  number
        for your  copy of DOORWAY.   This number  will be  valid for
        your  board for all  future versions  of DOORWAY,  no matter
        when or where you  get them.  You will be  registered in the
        DOORS  conference  on  Data World  BBS,  and  given complete
        support (If you don't get registered, leave a message to the
        sysop  or  page  him).     Defeating  the  registration,  or
        distributing  a registered  version of  DOORWAY  is illegal.
        Make sure that any copies of  DOORWAY you make available for
        others are  NON-REGISTERED!   Violators will  be prosecuted.
        If you have any questions or  comments, feel free to contact
        the home board:

               Data World BBS
                    Public line 615)966-3574 (Hayes Ultra V.32)
                    Private line 615-675-DATA (615-675-3282)

        (Private Node  for  registered users  can  also be  used  to
        register for DOORWAY and download the latest version.  These
        numbers  are   615)675-3282   (5   node   roll-over   V.32),
        615)675-4577  and  615)675-6994 USR  DUAL STD,  and 615)675-
        6995 Hayes Ultra V.32

        Once  you  have  your  registration   number,  go  into  the
        subdirectory that DOORWAY is in and type "DOORWAY REGISTER".
        DOORWAY will  ask for your board  name.  It  must be entered
        EXACTLY  as registered, including spaces and any punctuation
        (although capital and  small letters can be  interchanged) .
        Then, enter the registration number  you have gotten, and it
        will automatically register the software to your board.  The
        operation of DOORWAY will change as follows when registered:

                             UNREGISTERED               REGISTERED
        Time  in DOOR:          10 Minutes           PER SYS file or
        Registration screen Displayed to the Sysop        Omitted
        /O: option           Not available              Operational

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson